
Sunday, May 11, 2014

From Pallet to Wall Planters

Last November I just happen to be in a local store and I eyed a cute little pallet.  I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but I knew I had to have it.  So, I asked if I could have it and they let me take it home:-)  Now, 6 months later, I finally came up with a project for the pallet.  It just so happens I have a blank wall next to my garage that needs something, so I thought "why not turn that pallet into wall planters".   The wall looked empty and blah before but now I think it looks pretty good.  Here is my wall before: 
This is my wall after I hung my planters: 
Much better, I just wish I had another small pallet to make more:-)) 

You will need:
1.  A small pallet
2.  A hammer
3.  Something to pry out the nails
4.  Scrap wood that you have handy (I used cedar shakes)
5.  A few extra nails or screws

This is how I did it:

1.  First, pry out the nails (gently) and remove the middle boards.  I found it easiest to use a mini pry bar to slip under the wood and pry the nail up just enough to be able to remove it with a hammer like this:

2.  Remove both boards and the nails you pulled out and set them aside.  I reused the nails that came out of the pallet.
3.  Now, reattach them so that they are next to the other boards on the pallet like this:
4.  Now cut the 2x4's right up against the boards you nailed into place-you will have 6 cuts to remove the excess wood.
5.  This is what you should end up with:
6.  Take the scrap wood (measure it if necessary) and nail to the bottom.  Cedar shakes worked great-they were almost exactly the size I needed.  I only had to trim them up a little bit.
Here they are before being painted:
7.  Paint them-I used paint and primer in one and I coated them 3 times to be safe.

All painted and ready to hang:-))
Here is another pic of them after they are hung but before I planted them (note: before I planted them I lined them with landscape fabric to keep the dirt in):
Here they are again:
This project was really easy, I am a total novice when it comes to working with wood and tools.  I hope you try this out, it would work on a larger pallet-you would just have bigger planter boxes.

So, until next time-Happy Planting!


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