
Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Different Kind of Clematis: Clematis stans

Clematis stans
This is the time of year (late Summer/Early Fall) I get to admire the dainty little blooms on my Clematis.  Not just your average climbing Clematis but a delightful shrubby Clematis native to Japan.  It is called Clematis stans and it is a very easy Clematis to grow.  I enjoy this plant so much I have about 8 growing in different garden areas in my backyard.  It is highly adaptable growing in dry shade directly under my pines, in a moist area under a maple, and even in an average situation under a Prunus serotina.  Now mind you the leaves on the plants in the drier areas do have a tendency to get crispy around the edges, but I don't mind.  This Clematis requires minimal pruning-if  the winter (or rabbits in my case) doesn't take care of it then just prune it close to the ground in early Spring before it breaks bud.  Clematis stans can reach 3 feet tall (sometimes 4 feet) but usually needs no staking.
Here is a pic of my tallest one:
Clematis stans

Here are a couple more growing in my garden:
Clematis stans
Clematis stans

Here is a better shot of the little bell shaped flowers:
Clematis stans

Clematis stans is easy to propagate from seeds.  In fact, I was lucky enough to have received seeds for this plant from a very generous gardener a few years ago and have since passed on seeds to others.  My original plants were grown via wintersowing the others were started by me tossing seeds here and there in the Fall.  If you are not into seed starting I am sure you can locate this plant on line from one of the many online plant retailers or maybe even at your local nursery.  If you see one buy it-I highly recommend this plant for your garden!

Here are some basics for you if you would like to grow this lovely plant:

Clematis stans
Height:  24-48 inches
Spacing:  24-36 inches
Hardiness:  4b-9b (?-sources are different on hardiness)
Sun exposure:  full sun (in the north) to shade (mine grow in full to dappled shade)
Water:  Average water needs
Pruning group:  3 (Summer/Fall bloomer)
Another bonus:  this plant attracts both bees and hummingbirds

I hope I encouraged you to grow this uncommon Clematis in your garden-it is definitely worth the space:-))

Until next time-Happy Planting!


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